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Impath is the first-ever insight platform focused on CULTURE. It was created to help companies and brands understand diverse consumer segments through an immersive experience specifically designed to amplify the individual experiences and the diversity that make up a collective CULTURE.

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An In-depth Look into Culture

Impath is A DIGITAL PLATFORM driven by data and built on insights from a proprietary syndicated study created by The Marian Dupree Group.

Impath decodes culture curated in a contextualized framework with cultural, behavioral, and business perspectives.

Provides dynamic insights and understanding by using the Culture Lens to create thoughtful analyses.

IMPATH provides the user an immersive experience through data-based intuitive storytelling.

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The platform is designed to provide the user with an immersive experience. Featuring


Analysis of the findings using the Culture Lens.


Unique infographics that provide critical context.


Curated content provides context and deeper insight.


Specially curated playlists derived from our research.


Video diary content from respondents.

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Personas as a Lens

Personas are a special feature of IMPATH. Based on the data collected, we create unique personas to provide a distinct experience within the platform.

These fictional personas represent the diversity within a cohort. They provide the user with a clearer understanding of distinct needs, experience, behaviors, and goals that vary across the larger group.

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Impath provides a continuous and current stream of proprietary data exploring nine topic areas updated monthly.

Subscribers can explore Aspiration, Beauty/Health, Current Events/Politics, Fashion, Food/Beverage Lifestyle/Culture, Love/Relationships, Media/Entertainment/Technology, Money/Finance/Education. They will also receive regular one-page and 2 bi-annual summaries.

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